After Catfoss were awarded the contract to supply a prestigious new 4141m² permanent three storey modular Treatment Centre extension at Queen’s Hospital in Burton, they needed to appoint an experienced building services contractor for the scheme.
As N&P had successfully delivered a complete design & installation building services package on behalf of Catfoss for the 28 Bed Winter Ward project at Royal Derby Hospital, we were contacted to review the requirements for this significant project.
Following multiple design meetings with the building designers at Catfoss, M&E design and installation proposals were submitted as a tender return by N&P on the new scheme, with provisions as per the overview below:
Having submitted proposals that met specification, fell within the budget and cost requirements, on completion of a tender review Catfoss awarded N&P the contract.
Without delay, N&P and their Consultant Engineers working in collaboration with Catfoss and their client team, put together finalised designs to suit the building layouts.
The project was completed over 2 Phases:
Phase 1 being a 28 Bed Ward facility to the ground floor with the installation works being carried out in only six weeks.
Phase 2 was to provide two new Theatres and ancillary rooms including X-Ray facilities to the first floor, and clinical/consultation facilities to the second floor, along with converting the previously completed single bed ward rooms on the ground floor into Isolation Rooms for at risk patients.
The installation comprised of Full electrical fit-out emanating from 4no 630A Panel Boards supplied from the adjoining building’s Essential Services Distribution Panels. Thorn LED Lighting was utilised throughout. Mechanically, the primary heating was provided via Mitsubshi Electric VRF Air Conditioning Systems and ventilation via local Mitsubishi heat recovery units. Hot water generation was provided by the Trust’s infrastructure team employed by Catfoss, through spare capacity available on a CHP Plant 135m from the building, supplying a Plant Room on the 2nd floor.
To meet the requirements for ventilation within the Theatre Recovery Room and the Ground Floor Isolation Rooms, N&P supplied and installed Heat Recovery Air Handing Units mounted on the roof of the adjoining building with all ducts routed across the modular roof (alongside and coordinated with those of the Theatre Ventilation AHU Ducts by the Specialist Theatre Installers).
All specialist systems (nurse call, alarms etc.) were carried out by the Trust’s chosen suppliers under contract to N&P to ensure a seamless delivery of the final fully operational facility.